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- 1,600+ videos
- 175+ uncut videos perfect for observation
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Our 1,600+ exemplar videos are organized by topics.
Preview videos from several of our popular focus areas.
- Arts
- Classroom Culture
- Coaching
- Engagement
- English Language Arts & Reading
- English Language Learners
- Lesson Planning
- Math
- New Teachers
- Professional Learning
- Science
- Technology in the Classroom
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 660+ videos featuring the arts .
Popular videos in this category include:
- Exploring Symbolism: Your Life as Abstract Art (6-min)
- Elements of Art: Color, Space, and Texture (12-min)
- First Nations: Exploring Culture Through Art (13-min)
- Values & Virtues: Symbolism in Art (14-min)
Classroom Culture
Classroom Culture
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 200+ videos featuring strategies to enhance classroom culture.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Ready to Learn: Creating a Positive Classroom Culture (2-min)
- Jenna's Fifth Grade Class Culture (28-min)
- Investing in Student Relationships, Peer-to-Peer Culture, Belonging, & Psychological Safety (56-min)
- Class Culture: Attention with Respect (1-min)
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 150+ videos showcasing coaching techniques.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Coach and Teacher- Lesson Debrief (4-min)
- Pivoting as a Coach (3-min)
- Divergent Questioning in 8th Grade Math (22-min)
- Multiple Measures of Effective Teaching (7-min)
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 350+ videos featuring effective engagement techniques.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Challenge: Student Focus and Brain Breaks (4-min)
- Reading a Book Aloud (10-min)
- Mirror Words- What do you Notice? (2-min)
- Providing Extra Math Support in Small Groups (2-min)
English Language Arts & Reading
English Language Arts & Reading
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 490+ videos centered around English language arts and reading.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Rick's Reading Workshop: Silent Reading (4-min)
- Drop Everything and Read (14-min)
- Teaching a Phonics Pattern (24-min)
- Exploring the Elements of Poetry (16-min)
English Language Learners
English Language Learners
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 775+ videos showcasing strategies in working with English language learners.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Encouraging Academic Language and Discussion with ELD Students (8-min)
- Taking Pride in an English Language Learner (2-min)
- Learning Letters with Language Learners (7-min)
- Gamifying the Lesson for English Learners (3-min)
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 1,115+ videos centered around lesson planning.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Mid-Unit Check-Ins (12-min)
- Grade Band Planning Meeting (26-min)
- Claims, Evidence, & Reasoning: Planning (9-min)
- Five Ways to Start Your Lessons (1-min)
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 390+ videos diving into math curriculum.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Solving Problems Using Collaborative Math Talks (39-min)
- I Do, You Do, We Do- Math Fractions (8-min)
- Notice & Wonder Math Routine: Third Grade (22-min)
- Collaborative Memory in Math (4-min)
New Teachers
New Teachers
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 1,310+ videos featuring videos ideal for new teachers.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Advice for New Teachers (60-min)
- New Teacher Survival Guide: ADHD in the Classroom (11-min)
- Making Good Teachers Great: Shaping Teacher Identity (56-min)
- Implementing a New Curriculum (6-min)
Professional Learning
Professional Learning
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 245+ videos highlighting effective professional learning.
Popular videos in this category include:
- It's Okay to Fail! (2-min)
- Coaching for Equity (5-min)
- Building Coaching Relationships (4-min)
- Reflecting on Teaching After 20 Years (3-min)
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 415+ videos featuring science lessons.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Using Science Games (35-min)
- Singing in Science (6-min)
- Using Inquiry in Pre-K Science (60-min)
- Making Science Engaging (14-min)
Technology in the Classroom
Technology in the Classroom
With the Teaching Channel Library educators can explore 155+ videos featuring effective technology uses and strategies in the classroom.
Popular videos in this category include:
- Using Technology for Hard-to-Teach Concepts (27-min)
- Finland: Discovery through Technology (14-min)
- Using Technology to Boost Confidence (3-min)
- New Teacher Survival Guide: Technology in the Classroom (16-min)